400 887 5581
400 887 5581
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(1)保持凤凰蓄电池表面清洁干燥,拧紧加液口螺塞,疏通通气孔,防止灰尘等杂质进入凤凰 蓄电池内。经常检查电气系统的绝缘情况,及时排除线路漏电和短接等故障。


(3)充电时,电流大小应符合规定,电流过大易造成极板活性物质脱落。凤凰 蓄电池安装位置若离热源过近应设隔热措施。

(4)当前不用的新凤凰 蓄电池,不要加注电解液存放。对已加注电解液的闲置待用的凤凰 蓄电池,应定期进行补充充电,否则,会降低其容量,缩短其使用寿命。


(1) keep the surface of the Phoenix battery clean and dry, tighten the plug of the filling port, dredge the vent hole, and prevent the dust and other impurities from entering the Phoenix battery. Check the insulation of the electrical system frequently, and eliminate the line leakage, short circuit and other faults in time.

(2) keep high purity of electrolyte.

(3) when charging, the current shall be in accordance with the regulations, and excessive current is easy to cause the active substance of the plate to fall off. If the installation position of Phoenix battery is too close to the heat source, thermal insulation measures shall be taken.

(4) for the new Phoenix battery not used at present, do not add electrolyte for storage. The idle Phoenix battery which has been filled with electrolyte should be recharged regularly, otherwise, its capacity will be reduced and its service life will be shortened.

(5) the starter cannot be used continuously in winter. When the discharge reaches 25% of the rated capacity of Phoenix battery, it must be charged in time, and the regulating voltage of generator regulator shall be adjusted according to the technical standard.


400 887 5581